美国 Alto Professional Kick12 400W高低音键盘音箱功放板. 12寸低音喇叭功放由TDA8954J集成电路负责,外观尺寸175mm*108mm*80mm号角高音喇叭功放是TDA7294 集成电路负责,功率200w-400w,一路号角高音输出,一路12寸低音输出。原来设计110v ,220v双用的,已经把跳线剪断,现在是电源220v输入,简单测试,功放正常。需要有DIY技术高超人员才能购买。有网友单纯用低音功放部分当低音炮功放使用,效果不错 原来音箱说明翻译:固态沃茨:400瓦。重量:38.4磅尺寸:18.5×14.25×17.25扬声器:一个12“低频扬声器特点:这400瓦阿尔托KKE12放大器看起来像它的伟大的形状!这里到处都有一些轻微的划痕和划痕,但实际上什么也没有切断。耳机壶轴断了,只留下一片左转轴。轴仍然工作,就像你应该只需要使用一些技巧来转动旋钮。除此之外,这个放大器是顶端形状!使用它为您的键盘,使用它为您的电子鼓,使用它作为PA!超级通用,使用方便!不要错过今天的机会!所有电子设备都经过测试,4-channel mixer with stereo line inputs on each channel and an XLR input on Channel 1 400 Watts peak power, 200 Watts continuous 12" low-frequency transducer, 1" compression driver Custom-tuned electronic crossover provides superb frequency response True bi-amped design provides dedicated power to high and low drivers Built-in Alesis digital effects processor with reverb, delay, chorus, and more 256 effect presets: 16 effects with 16 variations each Integrated folding steel kickstand provides the ideal monitoring angle Level, effects, and high & low EQ controls on all four channels Stereo RCA input for connecting MP3 players and other audio devices Footswitch input allows instant activation or bypass of effects 1/4" headphone output with dedicated volume control Angled speaker baffle for optimized throw Dual XLR and 1/4" Mix outputs Ground Lift switc